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The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums _ Improved Anvil _ IAv6 for BG2EE

Posted by: critto Mar 1 2015, 08:34 PM

Hello, everyone.

I've made a few tweaks to the original IAv6 in order to make it compatible with the BG2EE. I haven't tested the game at all yet, so use it at your own risk. The EE version didn't pass an excruciating amount of testing as it'd happened usually in the past.

Attached to the topic is a small archive with the files that you need to unpack into your EE directory on top of IA prior to installing. I haven't tested the compatibility with the other mods, but IA doesn't play well with them anyway. I did test the installation of Ease-of-Use (recommended components) and Dungeon-be-Gone, both latest versions. Also, make sure you download the latest WeiDU executable and use it instead of those that might be packaged with the mods. It is required for the installation to work properly.

These files would probably cause IA installation to crash on vanilla BG (non-EE), but there is nothing new anyway with the exception of compatibility patches. I haven't made the setup script cross-platform. Perhaps, I'll do this in the future when there is proof that IA plays nice with EE.

Once again, I repeat, there was no extensive testing. I have no idea how powerful or not are the new EE kits or new joinable NPCs in the context of IA. I have no idea what happens with the new content that is added by EE.

If you do play this and find some sort of a bug, let me know here. I will try to fix it and attach the patches in this post. I would've loved to push out a stable version for you guys but there is not timetable at all for how much it'll take me to do my own run of the game.


EDIT: this archive is outdated! Please, download the latest version of the mod from the BWL's download section. ( 69.05k ) : 49

Posted by: lroumen Apr 1 2015, 08:13 PM

Hey Critto.

Nice work.
It should not be any different on Windows right? Does it still require/assume fixpack to be installed... because I think BG2EE fixed all that stuff.

I am not sure when I will have the time to try it out because among other things, my family expansion is keeping me very busy.

Posted by: critto Apr 2 2015, 01:42 AM


It should work with any version of BG2EE that you have. I tested it on a Steam version for Mac OS X personally, but I do not see any difference whatsoever with Windows, using a version from GoG, Steam or Beamdog.

As for the fixpack, if you mean an official one released for BG2:ToB then no, it's not needed. Just use the latest version of BG2EE (patch 1.3, as of now, I think) and start installing the mods in a recommended fashion.


Posted by: lroumen Apr 10 2015, 03:29 PM

Sorry for the late response.

I am going to try to install it on my windows steam version and see how far I get. I have no experience with the steam one for installing mods so I will see how it goes.

About the fixpack...I meant the baldurdash fixpack, that seems rather obsolete for bg2ee.

Posted by: nicoper Apr 10 2015, 03:46 PM

QUOTE(lroumen @ Apr 10 2015, 03:29 PM) *
About the fixpack...I meant the baldurdash fixpack, that seems rather obsolete for bg2ee.

I can confirm this, I am currently experimenting IA V6 on BG2EE

Install was:
Edit: Weidu 238 (or later) most important, otherwise bug with install
EoU as recommended in install
V6 (current available download on BWL)
Patch put by Critto

No problem so far (mid chapter 3)

Side note: Party is Necro, riskbreaker, dwarven defender (new EE kit), Neera (BG1&2 EE NPC), Hexxat (BG2EE NPC) and Cernd

Posted by: lroumen Apr 10 2015, 04:11 PM

Hi nicoper

That's good news. You did put crittos files before installing IA right?

Posted by: critto Apr 10 2015, 05:41 PM

> That's good news. You did put crittos files before installing IA right?
Yes, otherwise the mod wouldn't install, there would be errors.

Posted by: lroumen Apr 11 2015, 11:16 PM

Btw I was thinking

Dorn (blackguard), 2handed weapon user
Riskbreaker, dual wield
Valygar or fighter/cleric, dual wield or elemental/ac tank
Dwarven defender, dual wield or 2handed weapon user

Or I skip dorn, use only my Dwarven defender as 2handed weapon user and i go for some other kit that would be nice to have.... Not sure what yet. The tweaking of the party is still difficult sometimes.

Posted by: lroumen Apr 12 2015, 08:35 AM


Well, this is the error you get when you use the wrong weidu download....

WeiDU v 185 Log

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Baldur's Gate II Enhanced Edition\Setup-ImprovedAnvil.exe
[./chitin.key]loaded, 847192 bytes
[./chitin.key] 186 BIFFs, 60118 resources
[dialog.tlk] loaded, 11592146 bytes
[dialog.tlk] 103056 string entries
[dialog.tlk] claims to be writeable.
[dialog.tlk] claims to be a regular file.
[WeiDU.log] parsed

[SETUP-IMPROVEDANVIL.TP2] PARSE ERROR at line 19793 column 8-45
Near Text: "ImprovedAnvil/tpa/fl#add_kit_ee.tpa"
    syntax error

[SETUP-IMPROVEDANVIL.TP2]  ERROR at line 19793 column 8-45
Near Text: "ImprovedAnvil/tpa/fl#add_kit_ee.tpa"
ERROR: parsing [SETUP-IMPROVEDANVIL.TP2]: Parsing.Parse_error
ERROR: problem parsing TP file [SETUP-IMPROVEDANVIL.TP2]: Parsing.Parse_error

FATAL ERROR: Parsing.Parse_error

        WeiDU Timings
load TLK                         0.000
loading files                    0.000
parsing .log files               0.000
unmarshal KEY                    0.031
parsing .tp2 files               0.047
unmarshal TLK                    0.047
TOTAL                            0.125

Posted by: critto Apr 12 2015, 08:41 AM

> WeiDU v 185 Log
This is the problem. I specified in the first post that you need the most modern version of WeiDU available (v237 or something). Weimer's old school implementation has no way of interpreting the modern weidu code.

Posted by: lroumen Apr 12 2015, 09:08 AM

Oh crap. I downloaded the new version from the weidu site but apparently that goes to this really old one. /feeling stupid

Edit: Yep. that did the trick. I downloaded from the pocketplane forum instead of

At install of IA, only the readme at the end did not pop up and it went to a cmd window instead. However, that has nothing to do with the playable mod content itself. I will try to set up a party tonight. If I encounter anything I will gather the observations and report back.

Posted by: nicoper Apr 12 2015, 11:49 AM

Sorry weidu 238 fIrst
Will edit previous post

Posted by: lroumen Apr 16 2015, 09:18 PM

So far so good. The install went fine. Character creation no problem.
I am currently running the following party. Still in chateau irenicus but that will change soon.
Riskbreaker (axe)
Dwarven defender (2handed sword, staff, halberd
swashbuckler (longsword) -> jan
Jaheira -> Ployer -> Anomen (hammer)
Imoen -> Valygar (katana, flail)

Posted by: critto May 13 2015, 10:33 AM

Anybody has any feedback on BG2EE?

As of now, we found out a couple of issues that are being fixed. I am also making a couple of additions and a ToB-compatible installer. Basically, in the end of it there will be a IAv6.1

Next, we'll see what happens.

Cheers, everybody.

Posted by: lroumen May 14 2015, 09:08 AM

I'm still in chapter two and did notice anything yet. Then again i never played v6 very far so i am not certain what to expect to go wrong

Posted by: critto May 16 2015, 08:29 PM

Just a bit of a progress report for anybody who's interested:
- all bugs except for one that we've found in IA for BG2EE are fixed (many thanks to nicoper for a play test and reports)
- the monk class was revised so that players can now enjoy playing it with a custom party member or Rasaad, the BG2EE NPC
- Neera, another bg2ee npc, was also revised slightly, but in a significant manner; she's now too a viable choice of companion when it comes to spellcasters (on par with Imoen and Nalia)
- back when we were working on IAv7, we've fixed a couple bugs and made a few tweaks here and there; all these patches were back-merged into the current development branch
- there's a new 4th level spell for wizards that should be quite useful (this too is from IAv7 branch)
- some new stuff was added for swashbucklers and rogues in general; it doesn't make them truly effective in IA but a nice extra for those who want to experiment (ex-IAv7 as well)

We're in progress of applying tweaks to the new content added by BG2EE in order to bring it closer to the reality of IA. Once this work is done, IAv6.1 should be out. I'd say ETA is the end of May. There won't be any improved encounters in these new quests, that is something to be considered for the future if there is to be one for the mod.

Posted by: lambada May 17 2015, 05:47 AM

Is this "latest" version with EE NPCs revision downloadable or is it still WiP?
And where is Sikret??

Posted by: critto May 17 2015, 06:06 AM

Is this "latest" version with EE NPCs revision downloadable or is it still WiP?
WiP. You can download the beta patch that provides compatibility in the first post, but it's very raw, just the basic porting done.

And where is Sikret??

RL issues does not allow him visit BWL and take active part in development and discussions. That is one of the reasons why work on IAv7 was halted.

Posted by: lambada May 17 2015, 06:22 AM

Got it, thanks.

Posted by: critto May 20 2015, 08:02 AM

We've prepared everything that we'd wanted for this release, but encountered some serious bugs of BG2EE itself. Right now I am thinking of a way to work around these issues until Beamdog releases an official patch.

Posted by: Azoth May 26 2015, 05:04 PM

Hi critto,

i didnt play BG2 for a long time (finished once SOA with IA v4 or v5, cant remember...) but stumbled recently upon bg2ee in itunes store, bought it, played a bit on ipad but its somehow no fun without IA no more i wanna give it a try again with IA v6 :-)
Did some research about jailbreaking, but unfortunately already updated to iOS 8.3 and there are some doubts if ipad control with clumsy thumbs is accurate enough for IA. So, back to good old notebook. Damn but i cannot find my original CDs anymore, lol dont know how many times i bought the game so far, 3 or 4 times ?!? But whatever. im a bit undecided now whether i should get my hands on bg2ee or bg2 + tob. Any advice? How serious is the bug you are speaking of and how long to be fixed?
Im planning a lightly modded game, Tower of Deception and The Four would be nice. There is a ToD v4 out which works apparently for bg2ee but is it based on the compatible one for IA, any ideas? What about The Four?


Posted by: critto May 26 2015, 06:26 PM

Hi, Azoth.

How serious is the bug you are speaking of and how long to be fixed?
They are kind of serious in a general sense, but I've found ways to work around them for the current build of IA. So it should be safe. In fact, we already have a release prepared, I hope it'll go live until the end of the week.

Any advice?

Personally, I like the bg2ee more (works on my mac, modernized interface, etc.). However, there are many issues that came up in EE specifically and devs are working on fixing it, but it's work in progress. ToB with relevant patches and a fixpack is much more bug-free experience. So, depends on what do you prefer. Modern version with some new content (which is unmodded at this point except for some tuning of overpowered treasures and such) or stability? We did a test run on BG2EE and fixed some issues, but I pretty sure we didn't catch everything so something may come up in your playthrough.

Im planning a lightly modded game, Tower of Deception and The Four would be nice. There is a ToD v4 out which works apparently for bg2ee but is it based on the compatible one for IA, any ideas? What about The Four?

I have no knowledge whether ToD or The Four are compatible with BG2EE. We've never tried or tested it in any way. To my knowledge, The Four wasn't really compatible with IAv6 even in ToB, although I may be wrong. Hopefully, somebody will correct me if I am.

Overall, if you haven't played IAv6 at all, I'd go with ToB for better stability and, therefore, experience.

Posted by: Krell May 26 2015, 06:45 PM

QUOTE(critto @ May 26 2015, 09:26 PM) *
I have no knowledge whether ToD or The Four are compatible with BG2EE. We've never tried or tested it in any way. To my knowledge, The Four wasn't really compatible with IAv6 even in ToB, although I may be wrong. Hopefully, somebody will correct me if I am.

Overall, if you haven't played IAv6 at all, I'd go with ToB for better stability and, therefore, experience.

The Four is compatible with IA v6. The only issue is that the Guardian of the Ring somehow becomes immune to all damage types (compared to v5). Can still be killed via Energy drain though (BBoD).

Posted by: critto May 26 2015, 07:11 PM

The Four is compatible with IA v6. The only issue is that the Guardian of the Ring somehow becomes immune to all damage types (compared to v5). Can still be killed via Energy drain though (BBoD).

Maybe I'll take a look at it for the next release.

Posted by: Azoth May 27 2015, 07:15 AM

Thanks critto.

Out of the Document IV-Installation.txt file:

Note(3): "The Four" version 3 (and newer) is compatible with Improved Anvil and is the *only* mod which can be installed *after* Improved Anvil. Older versions of "The Four" are incompatible.
Note(6): Tower of Deception mod "upto version 3.2" is compatible with IA. Do not use any newer versions of that mod with Improved Anvil

I guess i will go for original BG2+TOB. Just found it at

Hopefully there will be IA v7 at some point :-) Do u think v7 will be compatible with bg2ee and TOB?

Posted by: critto May 27 2015, 07:21 AM

Hopefully there will be IA v7 at some point :-)
I intend to release it sooner or later, since it's been promised for so long. There's plenty that's done already. I've picked up the development after a long hiatus and working on it steadily. Many things that were originally made for IAv7 are back-merged into IAv6.1 (practically everything that is not related to the new stronghold). I want to do a bunch of minor releases that'll bring us closer to IAv7. Shorter development cycles are easier to perform. And it'll help to find and fix more bugs so that a major release will be as bug-free as possible.

Do u think v7 will be compatible with bg2ee and TOB?

Yes, I intend to support compatibility for both versions of the game.

Posted by: Krell May 27 2015, 05:36 PM

@ critto:

I have noticed a lot of double standard issues in this mod which you may want to somehow fix. Double standard meaning - monsters can do it while players cannot. Examples:

Invisibility or Improved Invisibility:
If a player attempts to cast a targeted spell on an enemy who suddenly becomes invisible in the midst of casting, spellcasting stopps, spell fails.
If an enemy attempts the same, the targeted character still becomes invisible, but the enemy successfully finishes and casts the spell.

Targeted special abilities and/or spells:
A player cannot cast Chain Lightning without a legal enemy target. A player cannot cast Doom on an Invisible or Improved Invisible enemy. Both of these spells will deflect off an enemy's Spell Turning.
An enemy (Guardian Spirit, Spellhold level, Kobold encounter) can cast (improved) Chain Lightning disregarding a player's Improved Invisibility and Spell Turning.
An enemy (random improved Dragon or Balor) can cast Greater Doom, disregarding a player's Spell Turning and Improved Invisibility.

Time Stop:
All enemies become immune to all weapons under Time Stop.
All players are still vulnerable under Time Stop and enemies who are immune to the TS effect can harm a party member physically.

(Normal) summons:
Players - 5 summon limit (except for Sikret's special summons from powerful items like Noble Spider etc).
Enemies - unlimited summon limit. At least the 5-deva issue was fixed in v6, but for example I noticed the Kuo-Toan prince summon 7 monsters.

After all, Sikret stated a long time ago that his improved monsters don't cheat, by which he meant "monsters can't do anything which a player cannot".

Posted by: critto May 27 2015, 07:13 PM

Double standard meaning - monsters can do it while players cannot.
There are many things that players can do and monsters can't. The most important of those would be possessing a real brain and an ability to think. Keep that in mind, this is a two-way street.

Invisibility or Improved Invisibility:

Many of the AI's scripts check for II prior to casting. If there are opposite cases, I'll investigate those and decide whether it's a bug or Sikret's judgement. If it's the latter, I'll leave it untouched.

Targeted special abilities and/or spells:
Same thing as above.

Time Stop:

This is an anti-cheese feature of Sikret's. His vision of the mod was to enforce as mush as possible a way of playing that he judges to be fair and relies on tactical thinking rather than butchering helpless enemies. That's his right to do so and I seriously doubt that I'll ever remove that feature from the mod. You and everybody else should just take it or leave it.

I do intend though to make the internal structure and composition of AI more modular and flexible, simply as a way to enforce a better engineering practice. This will allow players to tune and tweak it privately if they desire to do so, but this won't be an IA experience anymore as Sikret intended it to be.

My main goal right now is to extend the mod in a way that doesn't break Sikret's view on IA design and provide players with possibilities. For instance, make more NPCs to be viable and playable choices. Two good-aligned NPCs from BG2EE are already made to be so, and two vanilla NPCs will be in IAv6.2 which I am working on right now.

Posted by: lambada May 27 2015, 08:52 PM

QUOTE(Krell @ May 27 2015, 05:36 PM) *
Targeted special abilities and/or spells:

Enemies - unlimited summon limit.

Dragons, Demons and similar creatues don't obey rules on invisibility. This isn't new to BG, it has always been so. Very powerful creatures don't even suffer -4 THAC0 when attacking II enemy.
Summon limit for enemies has an ugly workaround with Globals, maybe. Not really something clean.
Going invisible while enemy is casting the spell should prevent succesfull spellcasting unless the creature can see invisible creatures by default. Or the script is intentionally doing so. I haven't really played Anvil in few years or used invisibility much even when I did, so can't report on such cases.

Posted by: Krell May 27 2015, 09:46 PM

QUOTE(critto @ May 27 2015, 10:13 PM) *
Invisibility or Improved Invisibility:

Many of the AI's scripts check for II prior to casting. If there are opposite cases, I'll investigate those and decide whether it's a bug or Sikret's judgement. If it's the latter, I'll leave it untouched.

They do, that's not the case here. The case is going invisible in the midst of a spell. Plain human mages (who definitely shouldn't and cannot see through invisibility or improved invisibility) have no trouble finishing their Ruby Ray of Reversal or Breach casting if the targeted character suddenly goes invisible or improved invisible in the middle of the spellcasting. Opposing to that, if a party mage starts chanting for Breach at an enemy who then decides to become invisible (potion, minor sequencer, etc), the spell is cancelled.

QUOTE(critto @ May 27 2015, 10:13 PM) *
Double standard meaning - monsters can do it while players cannot.
There are many things that players can do and monsters can't. The most important of those would be possessing a real brain and an ability to think. Keep that in mind, this is a two-way street.

Wrong expression, allow me to correct that. Double-standard meaning - monsters can do it while party members or PC cannot (even though the latter are guided by a player with a real mind).

QUOTE(critto @ May 27 2015, 10:13 PM) *
Time Stop:

This is an anti-cheese feature of Sikret's. His vision of the mod was to enforce as mush as possible a way of playing that he judges to be fair and relies on tactical thinking rather than butchering helpless enemies. That's his right to do so and I seriously doubt that I'll ever remove that feature from the mod. You and everybody else should just take it or leave it.

I do intend though to make the internal structure and composition of AI more modular and flexible, simply as a way to enforce a better engineering practice. This will allow players to tune and tweak it privately if they desire to do so, but this won't be an IA experience anymore as Sikret intended it to be.

My main goal right now is to extend the mod in a way that doesn't break Sikret's view on IA design and provide players with possibilities. For instance, make more NPCs to be viable and playable choices. Two good-aligned NPCs from BG2EE are already made to be so, and two vanilla NPCs will be in IAv6.2 which I am working on right now.

Well aware of that. Was not suggesting of removing the Time Stop immunity feature. A logical suggestion however will be giving party members an Absolute Immunity effect, equal to those which enemies have while a Time Stop is active.

Otherwise, I commend you on your efforts working on the IA mod.

QUOTE(lambada @ May 27 2015, 11:52 PM) *
QUOTE(Krell @ May 27 2015, 05:36 PM) *
Targeted special abilities and/or spells:

Enemies - unlimited summon limit.

Dragons, Demons and similar creatues don't obey rules on invisibility. This isn't new to BG, it has always been so. Very powerful creatures don't even suffer -4 THAC0 when attacking II enemy.
Summon limit for enemies has an ugly workaround with Globals, maybe. Not really something clean.
Going invisible while enemy is casting the spell should prevent succesfull spellcasting unless the creature can see invisible creatures by default. Or the script is intentionally doing so. I haven't really played Anvil in few years or used invisibility much even when I did, so can't report on such cases.

In Improved Anvil v5, everyone obeyed the rules of Invisibility. Demon, dragon - didn't matter. If you're talking about the vanilla game and unmodded monsters, I could accept that. However, tweaking honest IA v5 monsters with cheating abilities which can be targeted under Improved Invisibility is...well...not in the spirit of the IA mod at all.

As stated above, a party member going invisible doesn't prevent any enemy's successful spellcasting. An enemy going invisible while a party member is casting a spell at them results in the "spell cancelled" message. One action, one situation - different results for party mages and enemy mages. Either in both cases spellcasting on enemies-went-invisible-during-casting should be successful, or in both cases the casting should fail with the "spell cancelled:" message.

Posted by: critto May 28 2015, 03:26 AM

have no trouble finishing their Ruby Ray of Reversal or Breach casting if the targeted character suddenly goes invisible or improved invisible in the middle of the spellcasting.
It may be a limitation of the engine in how the game handles casting (there are various ways to cast a spell programmatically, see iesdp for that) but I might be wrong. This needs to be tested first.

Wrong expression, allow me to correct that. Double-standard meaning - monsters can do it while party members or PC cannot (even though the latter are guided by a player with a real mind).

Party members can do things and use items that a monster cannot. The original thought still applies.

A logical suggestion however will be giving party members an Absolute Immunity effect, equal to those which enemies have while a Time Stop is active.
I don't see any practical sense in doing so. There's only one instance of the AI using Time Stop: Layenne in Twisted Rune battle. And even there it is used more for dramatic effect and a unique extra challenge to overcome in a fight which I back in the day when I played it found to be quite enjoyable. Intelligent behavior during time stop is challenging to program well which is why none of the enemies use it. No enemy employs TS to run around and hit frozen foes.

Otherwise, I commend you on your efforts working on the IA mod.


Posted by: Krell May 28 2015, 08:25 AM

QUOTE(critto @ May 28 2015, 06:26 AM) *
A logical suggestion however will be giving party members an Absolute Immunity effect, equal to those which enemies have while a Time Stop is active.
I don't see any practical sense in doing so. There's only one instance of the AI using Time Stop: Layenne in Twisted Rune battle. And even there it is used more for dramatic effect and a unique extra challenge to overcome in a fight which I back in the day when I played it found to be quite enjoyable. Intelligent behavior during time stop is challenging to program well which is why none of the enemies use it. No enemy employs TS to run around and hit frozen foes.

When a party member casts Timestop, the first action of enemies who are not frozen in time is to engage party members who are frozen in time. This renders both the Timestop spell and the Wish option of the Timestop + IA spell a bad choice to cast/pick. Which is senseless for a hard to obtain 9th level spell. If not Absolute Immunity to characters, then perhaps monsters can be scripted not to engage in melee while under time stop. The TS double-standard has little or no practical effect for a soloer. However for a party with a couple of pure arcane casters that change can do a lot, making the Time Stop choice actually viable once again for sorcerers for example.

Posted by: critto May 28 2015, 09:37 AM

While a curious idea, it is hard and impractical to implement, at least at this stage. I'd rather remove the spell altogether and replace with something powerful, but useful in context of IA.

Posted by: nicoper May 28 2015, 11:37 AM

My 2 cents about timestop:

- Disabling possibility to butcher enemy frozen in time should never be touched. Only slight complain I would make is that enemy immunity to physical damage is not instantly removed at the end of timestop (lasts a couple of seconds)

- Timestop remains a tremendous (even more double TS+alacrity through wish) weapon against many enemies (destroying them with spells, wasting their protection duration, rebuffing party, refreshing summons and buffing those,...)

- Let's not forget that IA is made to be challenging, not impossible. This to say that player is allowed a lot of things creature don't do (while they obviously could) to overcome them; comes to (my) mind: greater restoration seldom (just once) used, High level mages not using TS nor alacrity (imagine 4 grave lich on globe machine starting with TS+ alacrity, or graves in old one fight using alacrity, ancient dragon using TS to debuff/doom/breath party a couple of times in a row or using GR on itself and Nishruu, Sendai GR on golems, ...)

Side note: Layene can "legally" (no exploit, cheat, ultra high level party...) be turned to use her Wish for party rest instead of double TS+ alacrity, just depends of how you handle encounter....

Posted by: Krell May 28 2015, 12:01 PM

QUOTE(critto @ May 28 2015, 12:37 PM) *
While a curious idea, it is hard and impractical to implement, at least at this stage. I'd rather remove the spell altogether and replace with something powerful, but useful in context of IA.

This is a very good suggestion, and I think many other than me would approve it.


QUOTE(nicoper @ May 28 2015, 02:37 PM) *
- Let's not forget that IA is made to be challenging, not impossible. This to say that player is allowed a lot of things creature don't do (while they obviously could) to overcome them; comes to (my) mind: greater restoration seldom (just once) used, High level mages not using TS nor alacrity (imagine 4 grave lich on globe machine starting with TS+ alacrity, or graves in old one fight using alacrity, ancient dragon using TS to debuff/doom/breath party a couple of times in a row or using GR on itself and Nishruu, Sendai GR on golems, ...)

Side note: Layene can "legally" (no exploit, cheat, ultra high level party...) be turned to use her Wish for party rest instead of double TS+ alacrity, just depends of how you handle encounter....

Karun the Black uses multiple chaining alacrities. Dragons and DemiLiches have permanent alacrity. Grave Liches are explained to be high-level Fighter/Mages upon death (check the Old One quest for reference) so they (abiding IA v6 rules) cannot have Alacrity at all. Elite Nishruu should not be considered a party member of the Ancient Dragon but rather a powerful gated summon, so it shouldn't get anything even if the dragon casts Greater Restoration. About Layene, I think it's a well-known fact, and I wasn't really talking about her when pointing out the Time Stop inconsistency - after all, she's the only one who follows the timestop rules and actually releases a bunch of spells instead of engaging frozen in time party members in melee.

Posted by: blastermaster May 28 2015, 12:32 PM

QUOTE(critto @ May 28 2015, 03:26 AM) *
A logical suggestion however will be giving party members an Absolute Immunity effect, equal to those which enemies have while a Time Stop is active.
I don't see any practical sense in doing so. There's only one instance of the AI using Time Stop: Layenne in Twisted Rune battle. And even there it is used more for dramatic effect and a unique extra challenge to overcome in a fight which I back in the day when I played it found to be quite enjoyable. Intelligent behavior during time stop is challenging to program well which is why none of the enemies use it. No enemy employs TS to run around and hit frozen foes.

In fact, at least one other enemy does. The Grave Lich who guards Daystar used Time Stop and hit me a couple of times during it. I would suggest making player parties immune to physical damage during time stops if possible, for fairness and thematic purposes.

In terms of "countering" a spell by going invisible during the casting, I am not sure that is something easily modified. It might require a patch to .exe, or a very complex script to be added to basically every spellcaster. I think there are a handful of things like "Chain Contingencies" and "Spell Triggers" that could have invisibility checks added to them though. Dragons, liches, and demons, should ignore invisibility IMO, as was the case in vanilla BG2.

The summon limit seems like a very easy fix, given that it only appears for perhaps a few enemies. But I don't understand why it is acceptable that the 5-summon limit should be waived for things like Noble Spider figurine and Swanmays, but it is objectionable if it is waived for the Kuo-Toa Prince's summons. Beyond the mechanical "fairness" of this working for both players and enemies, aren't the Kuo-Toa's "summons" just more Kuo-Toas (Dukes)? Or are you talking about Invisible Stalkers and such? If he's summoning more than 5 Dukes, I think that's perfectly fair given that it's intended to be less of a magical summoning and more of him just sounding alarms and his guards physically moving to the location to help battle an intruder :-)

Speaking of summons actually, I'd suggest a duration increase for a handful of them. There's a number of them that have durations of 10 rounds (Berserker, Elemental Prince) which is very short in the battle preparation process. I'd also suggest allowing Cerebus and Joolon to be usable by any character, since this mod advises and assumes the players are using the all-stronghold tweak.

Posted by: Krell May 28 2015, 01:14 PM

QUOTE(blastermaster @ May 28 2015, 03:32 PM) *
The summon limit seems like a very easy fix, given that it only appears for perhaps a few enemies. But I don't understand why it is acceptable that the 5-summon limit should be waived for things like Noble Spider figurine and Swanmays, but it is objectionable if it is waived for the Kuo-Toa Prince's summons. Beyond the mechanical "fairness" of this working for both players and enemies, aren't the Kuo-Toa's "summons" just more Kuo-Toas (Dukes)? Or are you talking about Invisible Stalkers and such? If he's summoning more than 5 Dukes, I think that's perfectly fair given that it's intended to be less of a magical summoning and more of him just sounding alarms and his guards physically moving to the location to help battle an intruder :-)

Speaking of summons actually, I'd suggest a duration increase for a handful of them. There's a number of them that have durations of 10 rounds (Berserker, Elemental Prince) which is very short in the battle preparation process. I'd also suggest allowing Cerebus and Joolon to be usable by any character, since this mod advises and assumes the players are using the all-stronghold tweak.

The summon limit question was raised because as I understood, in IA v6.1 the player summon limit would be fixed to 5, including gated summons like Swanmays and Greater Djinnis. As for the Kuo-Toan prince, I don't mind him getting gazilion weak summons, but I watched him curiously as he gated two Aerial servants, three Skeleton Warriors and a couple Mountain bears (a total of 7) plus his Fallen Deva was still present (so 8) when I finally decided to whack at him. Pointed this out just for the mechanical "fairness". BTW I don't see the reason of "gated" summons like Swanmays, Greater Djinni, Noble Spider or Skely Lord to fall under the 5-summon limit rule since enemies definitely go easy over that limit with their gated summons - like a Greater Elemental Golem being able to gate in nine minor golems at a time or a single Ghost spider gating in more than 12 additional minor spiders if left alive long enough.

Posted by: critto May 28 2015, 01:35 PM

The summon limit question was raised because as I understood, in IA v6.1 the player summon limit would be fixed to 5, including gated summons like Swanmays and Greater Djinnis.

No, it was fixed only for the usual, over-the-counter summons. It's a bug of vanilla game. The behavior of advanced, powerful summons left untouched.

Posted by: critto May 29 2015, 08:20 AM

Speaking of summons actually, I'd suggest a duration increase for a handful of them. There's a number of them that have durations of 10 rounds (Berserker, Elemental Prince) which is very short in the battle preparation process. I'd also suggest allowing Cerebus and Joolon to be usable by any character, since this mod advises and assumes the players are using the all-stronghold tweak.

Joolon can be used by anyone. Cerebus will remain only for ranger protagonists. Duration for Berserker will be increased to 30 rounds as it is for the rest of IA's summoning items.

Posted by: Azoth May 31 2015, 05:16 PM

Need some help again, please.

I played a bit BG2+TOB+IAv6. Killed Suna and did some other minor stuff but then i noticed that for the full necro quest line a good aligned necro is mandatory. Why the heck do i have an evil one wacko.gif
Ok, decided to start again but this time with BG2EE. Bought BG2 the 5th time...hopefully it does some good for the developers wub.gif

So tried to install EoU v33, doesnt find the Dialog.tlk. The folder structure is a bit different to good old BG2 and there are three languages, de, us, es. Ok most probably first Weidu238 ( but how to install? There is a Weidu.exe with a lot of different arguments and a tolower.exe. Ive read something about Weidu and problems with lower chars. Can someone please give the foolish me a hint how to set up things properly?


Posted by: critto May 31 2015, 05:21 PM

Run the game in vanilla mod first and check the language setup, etc. For EoU, you need to rename the new weidu.exe into Setup-Ease.exe and replace with it the original one. Then try again and see if it works.

Posted by: Azoth May 31 2015, 07:08 PM

Thanks critto.

Did the trick biggrin.gif

In Sikret's pinned v5 walkthrough, he also installed the following EoU components
-XP Cap Remover
-Wear Magical Armor AND Magic Rings

These components are not mentioned in IAv6.1 Document IV-Installation.txt. Is there any need of these?

Posted by: critto May 31 2015, 07:39 PM

> -XP Cap Remover
No, IAv6 introduces it's own new level cap and level progression tables. See record 244 of Fixes & Tweaks document for more details.

> -Wear Magical Armor AND Magic Rings
Same here. No need, IA has its own system implemented. See 253 of the same document for more details.

Posted by: Azoth Jun 1 2015, 08:03 AM

Thanks again critto.

Just for the records:
Patch 1.3
Updated to weidu 238
EoU v33 only components which are listed in Document IV-Installation.txt
Dungeon be gone v17
ToD v4.0 couldnt resist...
IA 6.1

The Four v4.0 could not be installed because of failed TOB check

Posted by: critto Jun 1 2015, 08:11 AM

This could be overcome easily, if you want to. Give me the link for The Four please, I'll check it out.

Just note that the mod was not tested in any way with IAv6.1 and BG2EE, so I can't promise everything will be 100% stable.

Posted by: Azoth Jun 1 2015, 08:19 AM

The Four v4:

Yes, i can try to play with this mod if you do the needed modifications.

Can i still install after IA 6.1?
Do i need to start a new game?

Posted by: Azoth Jun 1 2015, 08:29 AM

I might not be able to trigger the Robe Guardians because of wrong alignment:

1- Guardians of the robe:
An undead Fighter/Cleric accompanied with a Gem Golem and a couple of Skeleton Lords.

Location: The Lizardmen hideout in Planar Sphere (provided that your protagonist is an evil (non-multiclass) mage.

But lets see...

Posted by: critto Jun 1 2015, 08:51 AM

Open up Setup-TheFour.tp2 in any text editor, remove the line "REQUIRE_FILE ~Data/25Dialog.bif~ @3 // ~Please install TOB and return!~", save the file and install the mod.

There is no need to start a new game, unless you've already been to the areas that are affected by the install (which I seriously doubt).

I will check out the mod in greater detail and, perhaps, include some or all encounters into the main distribution. We'll see.

Posted by: Azoth Jun 1 2015, 03:29 PM

Successfully installed The Four v4

Posted by: Krell Jun 1 2015, 05:27 PM

QUOTE(critto @ Jun 1 2015, 11:51 AM) *
Open up Setup-TheFour.tp2 in any text editor, remove the line "REQUIRE_FILE ~Data/25Dialog.bif~ @3 // ~Please install TOB and return!~", save the file and install the mod.

There is no need to start a new game, unless you've already been to the areas that are affected by the install (which I seriously doubt).

I will check out the mod in greater detail and, perhaps, include some or all encounters into the main distribution. We'll see.

The items are balanced well enough except for the Robe of Eloquence. Permanent alacrity is too powerful IMO. I like playing with The Four though, and many people play it only because of the robe.

The other three items are really powerful only on a fighter-thief or mage-thief dual with Use Any Item. Since making such a character is extremely difficult in a non-exploit game, I think they're OK if you decide to install them permanently into the BG2EE. The ring won't make bards playable, the gloves will expose the bearer to triple FoD CC often (no one of importance casts Creeping Doom late game anyways so the gloves are only good for the bonus to casting speed) and the helmet won't make Cernd a Warrior, although it could make Jaheira a bit more playable.

Posted by: critto Jun 1 2015, 05:58 PM

and the helmet won't make Cernd a Warrior, although it could make Jaheira a bit more playable.

She'll be much more playable in v6.2 wink.gif

Posted by: Azoth Jun 5 2015, 10:14 PM

Another minor "bug". After rescuing Cernd's child, he should leave to the druid grove. In my game he left the party but never the Deril estate, even could let him join directly again. When travelling to Druid Grove he was there, so no big deal.

This Lagole Gon lich is crying out for some more content... wink.gif

Posted by: Azoth Jun 5 2015, 10:14 PM

Are there still some stealable shops out there or can i quit looking for?

Posted by: critto Jun 6 2015, 05:31 AM

Another minor "bug". After rescuing Cernd's child, he should leave to the druid grove. In my game he left the party but never the Deril estate, even could let him join directly again. When travelling to Druid Grove he was there, so no big deal.
Do you use ToB or EE, please remind me?

Are there still some stealable shops out there or can i quit looking for?

No, there aren't, at least with anything significant.

Posted by: Azoth Jun 6 2015, 06:30 AM

Patch 1.3
Updated to weidu 238
EoU v33 only components which are listed in Document IV-Installation.txt
Dungeon be gone v17
ToD v4.0 couldnt resist...
IA 6.1
The Four v4

No, there aren't, at least with anything significant.

Unsignificant also helps biggrin.gif
Just found the Dealer at the City Gates not being immune to Jans pick pocketing skills. He doesn't buy fenced goods and you can only visit him once. So no major abuse possible...

Posted by: Krell Jun 6 2015, 06:40 AM

QUOTE(Azoth @ Jun 6 2015, 09:30 AM) *
No, there aren't, at least with anything significant.

Unsignificant also helps biggrin.gif
Just found the Dealer at the City Gates not being immune to Jans pick pocketing skills. He doesn't buy fenced goods and you can only visit him once. So no major abuse possible...

The dealer at the city gates is actually the trader from Brynnlaw, so he can be visited several times while in Brynnlaw. And btw any stealable shop is a major abuse. Sell everything of value you have to him, then pickpocket it back. Still, there are several other infinite gold exploits (if you have the patience) like Wishing for potions for example.

Posted by: Azoth Jun 6 2015, 06:52 AM

The dealer at the city gates is actually the trader from Brynnlaw, so he can be visited several times while in Brynnlaw. And btw any stealable shop is a major abuse. Sell everything of value you have to him, then pickpocket it back.
Ok, didn't notice that he is also the trader from Brynnlaw. But when he shows up at the city gates, you can only steal the number off different items as your thief has free slots in his backpack. Once you leave the shop the dealer is gone.

Still, there are several other infinite gold exploits (if you have the patience) like Wishing for potions for example.

Don't have the time nor the patience to do so...

Posted by: Azoth Jun 6 2015, 09:15 AM

Didn't know that summoned Skeleton Warriors can become unconscious?!? But Bessen, the wizard in the Harper Hold somehow did...

Posted by: critto Jun 7 2015, 07:46 AM

Seems like a lot of stuff pop ups in BG2EE. Where did that skeleton warrior came from?

Posted by: Azoth Jun 7 2015, 11:00 AM

via Cleric's "Animate Dead" spell

Posted by: Azoth Jun 9 2015, 08:48 AM

Doom's spell description says casting time of 9. When casting in game it's much faster...

Posted by: critto Jun 9 2015, 08:50 AM

OK, will fix it, thank you.

Posted by: Azoth Jun 14 2015, 11:09 AM

Resist Fire/Resist Cold and Protection from Fire are stacking to fire resistance of 127. Not sure if this is the intended behaviour?

144- The 3rd level clerical spell "Protection from Fire" is fixed to set resistance to fire to
100% rather than adding 100% to the current resistances.

Posted by: Krell Jun 14 2015, 11:33 AM

Protection from Fire does indeed sets the value of Fire res to 100%. However, Resist Fire/Resist Cold actually adds +50% to fire/cold resistance. There are numerous spells/items that actually *set* the value, and other spells/items/potions which actually add +% to the already set value. Will list the most notable:

*Set* resistance value: ProFire, Cold, Acid, Electricity, Lightning, Dragon Helm, and several more.
*Added* resistance value: Resist Fire/Cold, Protection from the Elements, Protection from Energy, all resistance-type potions like Fire, Absorbtion, Cold, etc, all green protection scrolls, Ring of Fire Resistance, Ring of Fire Control, Drizzt's scimitar Frostbrand, a number of other fire res items, Boots of Grounding, Boots of the North, Hammer of Thor, Fireshields Red and Blue, and many many more.

Not sure about the spell Protection from Magic Energy, in v5 it actually added 100% to the Magical resistance, maybe in v6 it has been changed to set it.

Posted by: critto Jun 14 2015, 01:25 PM

I'll check it out, thanks.

Posted by: bulian Jun 15 2015, 01:40 AM

Hello glad to see more developmemt being done on IA! Wondering whether its possible to provide a description of the new monk class? Also any thoughts on pace of future development? After a long break from BG2, I happened to start up a game in 6.0 a couple weeks before 6.1 was released so if 6.2 will be coming out "soon" i would just finish my current game before starting over with 6.1.

Lastly, are there any issues with installing 6.1 with vanilla vs EE? I havent and dont have immediate plans to purchase BG2:EE.

Thanks again! Im quite excited for more IA adventures!!

Posted by: critto Jun 15 2015, 06:03 AM

Wondering whether its possible to provide a description of the new monk class?
See the note in the end of my post. It is copied verbatim from the current monk's description. Monk kits that are added by EE function in the same way except for those abilities that they get (we haven't made any changes to those).

Also any thoughts on pace of future development?

I try to keep working on it regularly. We're testing the v6.2 which'll probably be the last "training" release before we get back to v7 full-time. I don't think that v6.2 will be out earlier than the middle of July. As for v7, there's plenty to be done, so the optimistic prognosis is mid-autumn.

Lastly, are there any issues with installing 6.1 with vanilla vs EE? I havent and dont have immediate plans to purchase BG2:EE.

No, there aren't. We are testing the game on vanilla and everything should be ok. In fact, I strongly recommend playing the mod on vanilla if you haven't tried 6.0 before. I love EE mostly for the fact that it gives me opportunity to work on the mod (it installs on my macbook, so I can always steal a few minutes here and there in my erratic schedule; I never had had the time to sit for a good several hours long modding session with a windows laptop) and there has put me back on track with the progress towards long-promised v7. However, EE is very buggy right now, path finding is bad and issues are numerous in the game itself. Which is why, honestly speaking, EE is not the best platform for the first run-through of IA.

MONK: Monks are warriors who pursue perfection through contemplation as well as action. They are versatile fighters, especially skilled in combat without weapons or armor. Though Monks cannot cast spells, they have a unique magic of their own: they channel a subtle energy, called ki, which allows them to perform amazing feats. The Monk's best known feat is their ability to stun an opponent with an unarmed blow.


- May not wear any armor.
- May only use weapons available to the Thief class (except two-handed).
- May only become Proficient (one slot) in any weapon class.
- May only become Proficient (one slot) in Single-Weapon Style and may not put slots into any other style.
- Moves 2 points faster than other characters. Movement rate further improves by 1 every 5 levels.
- May make 1 unarmed attack per round. An additional 1/2 attack per round is gained every 3 levels. Damage dealt by unarmed attacks increases with level as follows:
  Level 1-2: 1d6
  Level 3-5: 1d8
  Level 6-8: 1d10
  Level 9-14: 2d6
  Level 15-20: 2d8
  Level 21-28: 2d10
  Level 29+: 3d8
- At level 6, unarmed attacks are treated as a +1 magical weapon and gain a +1 bonus to hit and damage rolls. This enchantment improves to +2 at level 9, +3 at level 12, +4 at level 18, and +5 at level 25.
- Receives a +2 bonus to Saving Throws vs. Spell.
- Deflect Missiles: +1 bonus to AC vs. missile attacks every 3 levels.
- Starts with an Armor Class of 9 at 1st level and gains an additional +1 bonus every 2 levels.
- May use the Stunning Blow ability once per day. Gains one use at level 1 and an additional use every 4 levels thereafter.
- May use the Flurry of Blows ability once per day. Gains one use at level 11, 16 and 21.
- May use the Diamond Body ability once per day. Gains one use at levels 17, 22 and 27.

STUNNING BLOW: All successful attacks within the next round force the victim to save vs. Spell or be stunned. This special ability automatically modifies normal attacks; no targeting needs to be done.

FlURRY OF BLOWS: Agility and prowess are key factors that allow a master of hand-to-hand combat survive in a fight against heavily armed bandits and spell-wielding sorcerers. Trained monks are capable of engaging their opponent with extraordinary speed, effectively doubling the amount of attacks they make. For 3 rounds + 1 round / level, a monk's number of attacks per round doubles.

DIAMOND BODY: Experienced monk channels his inner energy to induce a restorative state that heals the wounds and protects the self. For 5 rounds, the character receives 25% resistance to physical damage, regenerates 6 Hit Points per round and acquires immunity to Level Drain, Petrification and Imprisonment.

- 5th level: Becomes immune to all diseases and cannot be slowed or hasted.
- 7th level: May use the Lay On Hands ability on <PRO_HIMHER>self to heal 2 Hit Points per level.
- 8th level: Gains a -1 bonus to Speed Factor.
- 9th level: Gains a +1 bonus to all Saving Throws and becomes immune to charm.
- 11th level: Becomes immune to poison.
- 12th level: Gains another -1 bonus to Speed Factor.
- 13th level: May use the Quivering Palm ability once per day.

QUIVERING PALM: The next successful attack forces the opponent to save vs. Spell or die. This special ability automatically modifies normal attacks; no targeting needs to be done.

- 14th level: Gains 3% Magic Resistance per level (starting with 42% at 14th level).
- 20th level: Becomes immune to non-magical weapons.
- Alignment restricted to lawful.
- Hit Die: d8

Posted by: Krell Jun 15 2015, 06:22 AM

No offense, but I've seen several IA HLAs and items which grant immunity to Petrification, and now the Monk has it too (Diamond body). IA enemies don't use petrification attacks. There is still a number of vanilla-game traps and enemies (Trademeet Genies) which use that spell, but those are early-game encounters. So NPCs don't really get anything from those *immune to petrification* late-game items and HLAs. Probably some other immunity would be more useful?

Posted by: critto Jun 15 2015, 06:58 AM

Yes, this is definitely worth exploring. However, I thought that beholders still employ petrification rays, don't they?

Posted by: Krell Jun 15 2015, 07:07 AM

QUOTE(critto @ Jun 15 2015, 09:58 AM) *
Yes, this is definitely worth exploring. However, I thought that beholders still employ petrification rays, don't they?

Probably, however even beholders are early-to-mid-game monsters, and by the time a char gets an item or ability that grant immunity to petrification, his/her saves are already good enough to make a successful save roll every time. IA v6 Beholders are more fond of other rays however, I don't remember seeing them using FtS rays.

Posted by: blastermaster Jun 15 2015, 09:53 AM

Monk looks really good! Of course Improved Haste is a welcome addition.

If I were playing a Monk, I would gladly trade the increased damage for the proper Thac0 development though (ending at 0 Thac0 like fighters). Monks have a bit of a tough time getting to 25 Strength, so they're looking at 5 base Thac0, -5 due to gauntlets, -5 due to fist enchantment, -5 due to strength (for example), and maybe -2 from an Ioun stone. -12 Thac0 is very nice for some characters but for a pure fighter it's not great for the type of enemies you'd want them to help out with at the end.

Posted by: SparrowJacek Jun 15 2015, 10:01 AM

Monks now have warrior's thaco and warrior's level progression tables if I'm not mistaken, so natural 0 is achievable.

Posted by: critto Jun 15 2015, 11:03 AM

Yes, SparrowJacek is right. Monks now have warrior THAC0, which is not mentioned in the class description. I'll make a note of it in the readme files for v6.2. However, to compensate for THAC0 growth, monks now adhere to figher level progression table. In the past, they had clerical XP tables which led to very quick development.

Posted by: blastermaster Jun 15 2015, 11:55 AM

Ah, that's wonderful! A viable addition to any party then, that's really exciting!

Posted by: chaser Jun 15 2015, 12:03 PM

I checked setup.tra file of IA v6.1,the swashbuckler is improved a lot,I believe Swash/Fighter would be a good choice.Now I wonder who would be the next improved one,the bard(poor thac0 and APR),wizard slayer(equipment limitation)…or someone else?

Posted by: critto Jun 15 2015, 12:33 PM

I haven't thought about it yet. We'll try to bring a vanilla druid kit to a usable state in v6.2. If it goes well, two druid kits (Auramaster and another one) will be a target for v7 protagonist choices. Other than that, there weren't any definite plans.

Posted by: bulian Jun 15 2015, 09:14 PM

Thanks for the fast response Critto. I will certainly wait for 6.2 before rebooting. I'm not a frequent forum poster but have completed and shared several runs of both IA v5 and v6 on this board.

The new monk class looks quite powerful and attractive! I think the only reason I would hesitate to use the class is that forging and using powerful items is one of the fun parts of the mod! One follow up question:

Will flurry of blows be dispellable? It seems like "flurry of blows" is more of an intrinsic ability (e.g. Kai/Berserk) rather than a spell and shouldn't be dispellable. I can't speak to whether that would make the ability unbalanced but I don't think it will since monks cannot be otherwise hasted.

By the same token, I don't know that giving RB the ability to cast IH makes much sense, and might suggest coming up with a new name, even potentially just using "flurry of blows." In this case, I think having the RB ability be dispellable is balanced since they can be hasted by other casters.

Posted by: Krell Jun 15 2015, 10:34 PM

QUOTE(bulian @ Jun 16 2015, 12:14 AM) *
Will flurry of blows be dispellable? It seems like "flurry of blows" is more of an intrinsic ability (e.g. Kai/Berserk) rather than a spell and shouldn't be dispellable. I can't speak to whether that would make the ability unbalanced but I don't think it will since monks cannot be otherwise hasted.

Monks can definitely be hasted. Use mutliple Energy Drain spells on the Monk to decrease his current level to 4, cast Improved Haste, cast (lesser) Restoration. However, I think that Flurry of Blows should also have some sort of Improved Haste icon in order for the two not to be cumulative with each other, or bugs may appear for going over 10 APR. About warrior abilities - some like Kai/Berserk are undispellable, other like Hardiness or Chain Breaker Stance are dispellable. For me, it's much more annoying that warrior abilities are more or less a subject to the penalties which spells have. Meaning, a Silenced warrior cannot activate Critical Strike or Hardiness or any other warrior HLA, Kai and Berserk can be interrupted (casting time of 1, not 0) and many other similar issues, all of this is very lame and definitely should've been fixed a long time ago instead of developing silly anti-soloing scripts and abilities for example.

Posted by: critto Jun 16 2015, 05:27 AM

IIRC, the Monk's haste should be undispellable, the reason being that it's more a part of their training rather than a spell. I'll check it to make sure.

Posted by: Krell Jun 16 2015, 07:12 AM

QUOTE(critto @ Jun 16 2015, 08:27 AM) *
IIRC, the Monk's haste should be undispellable, the reason being that it's more a part of their training rather than a spell. I'll check it to make sure.

Then the same should be valid for Chain Breaker Stance or Hardiness (Hardiness should still be Breachable naturally).

Posted by: critto Jun 16 2015, 07:17 AM

CBS should be undispellable, judging from the file's structure. Same for Hardiness, but it should be susceptible to Breach according to it's secondary type.

Posted by: Krell Jun 16 2015, 07:21 AM

Both Hardiness and Chain Breaker Stance can be removed by Purge Magic, so they're definitely not undispellable.

Also Hardiness can be dispelled by scripts which state *Dispel combat protections* like the Mithril golem and similar melee abilities.

Posted by: critto Jun 16 2015, 07:47 AM

Hardiness is a combat ability and therefore is dispellable smile.gif This is the only mechanism known to me that makes it susceptible to Breach (via secondary type). I strongly suspect that this is the reason it works that way.

I won't touch Hardiness, it needs extensive testing, we don't have that kind of opportunity right now. I'll see what can be done about CBS, but honestly, the RB class is so powerful that I am reluctant to improve it further.

Posted by: Krell Jun 16 2015, 08:18 AM

I was under the impression that we're discussing innate fighter abilities and why they shouldn't be dispellable, since those are part of their training rather than spells. If you're looking at it another way - nerfing those because certain classes and kits are too powerful - then ok, just don't write things like:

IIRC, the Monk's haste should be undispellable, the reason being that it's more a part of their training rather than a spell.

because it will raise questions like I already asked about other fighter abilities which can be dispelled. Just say *Monk's Flurry of Blows will not be dispellable because we, the mod's developers, have decided to be this way.* which will be far closer to the truth. No problem there, just state things right and clear, to avoid confusion. Also, it would be extremely helpful to list the non-spell innate abilities which are dispellable in some way and those which are undispellable. Examples:

Not only Hardiness and Chain Breaker Stance, but also Evasion, Greater Evasion and (I think) Magic Resistance HLAs can be dispelled.

However, there are several more new innate HLAs like the ones of the Swashbuckler v6 class which are unknown to many of the players (including myself) - dispellable or not?

IMO for all newly-added by the mod abilities, not only HLAs, but also enemy scripts and Purge Magic for example should be listed are they dispellable by any means or (in cases with purge magic) what exactly do they dispel. Also, when introducing new dispellable HLA, it will be nice to know under which category it fits - combat/specific protection, combat buff or whatever.

Posted by: critto Jun 16 2015, 08:39 AM

I've designed, to use a pompous word, this ability with this vision in my mind for the monk class and therefore I describe it as I see fit. Hardiness and CBS were implemented by Sikret, what's his exact motivations were is unknown to me. My own unwillingness to change I described as I perceive it. I didn't nerf or change a single thing. What's unclear about it?

Also, it would be extremely helpful to list the non-spell innate abilities which are dispellable in some way and those which are undispellable.

I don't have such a list available. If and when time permits, I might compile it, but can't promise anything.

Posted by: bulian Jun 16 2015, 09:42 PM

There are a couple enemies at least where hardiness isn't dispellable/breachable - notably Lord Roellen (de'Arnise final battle) and Supreme Leader. Perhaps I am missing something about their kits.

Any hints on which kit you are looking to include n 6.2? Either a shapeshifter or a totemic druid could fit the IA playstyle. However, a shapeshifter could feel like a monk and many classes (normal druid, vagrant, arcane casters) have powerful summons. So its not so obvious how those kits would have a substantially different feel.


Perhaps if you have some saves near an ultra golem fight you could do some tests and share on which abilities are dispellable/purgable? I think purge is different than dispel. Note barbarian essence potions aren't dispellable/purgable. I can't think of other potions/effects (Tenser's?) that would fit that category except perhaps Tenser's.

Posted by: Krell Jun 16 2015, 11:17 PM

QUOTE(bulian @ Jun 17 2015, 12:42 AM) *
There are a couple enemies at least where hardiness isn't dispellable/breachable - notably Lord Roellen (de'Arnise final battle) and Supreme Leader. Perhaps I am missing something about their kits.

Any hints on which kit you are looking to include n 6.2? Either a shapeshifter or a totemic druid could fit the IA playstyle. However, a shapeshifter could feel like a monk and many classes (normal druid, vagrant, arcane casters) have powerful summons. So its not so obvious how those kits would have a substantially different feel.


Perhaps if you have some saves near an ultra golem fight you could do some tests and share on which abilities are dispellable/purgable? I think purge is different than dispel. Note barbarian essence potions aren't dispellable/purgable. I can't think of other potions/effects (Tenser's?) that would fit that category except perhaps Tenser's.

Lord Roenall, the Supreme Leader and general Jamis Tombelten are immune to Breach. Otherwise, their Hardiness is dispellable, provided that the party also had scripts or melee attacks with which to dispel combat protections, as several IA enemies have, or Purge Magic for that matter. Since the party has none of these, it may seem to you that the listed enemies' Hardiness is undispellable. Illasera is also immune to Breach, though she doesn't use Hardiness but spell scrolls for protection. Nyalee is immune to Breach as well. If I'm missing some immune to breach enemies, feel free to add them to the list.

Checking which vanilla innate thief and warrior HLAs are dispellable and undispellable is easy enough. All defensive abilities are dispellable (Hardiness, Evasion, Avoid Death, Magic Resistance, etc) , all offensive are undispellable (Critical Strike, Power Attack, Whirlwind Attack, Smite, etc). However, what I meant is that description of the dispellable and undispellable new (IA-modded) warrior HLAs should be included in the mod description documents. What use is it to make a post here where it will soon be left in oblivion and no one will look at it? Moreover, there are new (v6.2) added warrior innate abilities which no one can test at present, but those should as well be included in the new version's description documents.

Posted by: lroumen Jun 22 2015, 06:15 PM

You guys sure play this game fast.... I'm still only in chapter two (granted I linger there for a loooong time).

I was also wondering about the new druid kit and/or magnitude of the content of the expanded druid stronghold. What I like is the druid only upgrade and minor change in items (treefolk arm it seems), but there is no incentive yet to craft those items biggrin.gif

Good thing summer is coming. More time to play!

Posted by: critto Jun 23 2015, 02:14 AM

I was also wondering about the new druid kit and/or magnitude of the content of the expanded druid stronghold. What I like is the druid only upgrade and minor change in items (treefolk arm it seems), but there is no incentive yet to craft those items

The kit is not new, but an existing one. I don't want to overpopulate the game with new kits, better modify existing ones, it's less problematic from the point of implementation. We're still experimenting. As for the content, there will be at least one pretty large quest for which a custom new area was made long time ago. The whole todo list for v7 is pretty large however, but I don't know yet which things will be done. As for items and upgrades, there are plenty. We've extended the item randomizer with some previously statically placed items (and will extend with more). In v6.2, we've worked on spears and scimitars to make them good weapon choices (not only for druids, btw). In v7, we'll definitely take a look at clubs.

Posted by: critto Jun 23 2015, 04:20 AM

2 Azoth:

Didn't know that summoned Skeleton Warriors can become unconscious?!? But Bessen, the wizard in the Harper Hold somehow did...

What exactly did Bessen use to achieve this? I only found Darts of Stunning on him, but skeleton summons are protected from this. Incidentally, how did you summon the skeletons? 3rd level Animate Dead?

Posted by: Krell Jun 23 2015, 05:23 AM

QUOTE(critto @ Jun 23 2015, 07:20 AM) *
2 Azoth:

Didn't know that summoned Skeleton Warriors can become unconscious?!? But Bessen, the wizard in the Harper Hold somehow did...

What exactly did Bessen use to achieve this? I only found Darts of Stunning on him, but skeleton summons are protected from this. Incidentally, how did you summon the skeletons? 3rd level Animate Dead?

Bessen should have a Spell Sequencer loaded with Emotion, Confusion and Slow spells. Probably, Emotion incapacitated those skeletons. Incidentally, if we're talking about regular Skeletons (and not Skeleton Warriors), I think those are not immune to Unconsciousness.

Posted by: critto Jun 23 2015, 05:54 AM

They have protection from Sleep opcode as well. I can't see clearly from the screen whether the creature is really unconscious or the message simply popped up without the actual effect taking place. If it's the latter then it's fixable without any problems.

Posted by: Azoth Jun 23 2015, 07:15 AM

Yes, it was a "Skeleton Warrior" from Cleric's "Animate Dead" and it was not only the message, the Skeleton was flat on the ground.
Sry, i cannot remember exactly what Bessen did.

Posted by: critto Jun 23 2015, 09:48 AM

Do you have, by chance, a save prior to this battle so that I could test and reproduce the issue?

Posted by: Azoth Jun 23 2015, 11:17 AM

Will have a look into it tonight...

Posted by: critto Jun 23 2015, 11:25 AM

Thanks. I'll send my email address via PM in case you find a save.

Posted by: Azoth Jun 23 2015, 03:20 PM

Email sent.

Just another thing. When fighting all the Vampiric Mists in the entrance hall of the Windspear dungeon (where Ruhk the conjurer is), i noticed that the mists are still doing damage even when they are dead (2-3 hits) like the victim was poisoned for a short time. Was it always like this?

Posted by: critto Jun 23 2015, 03:30 PM

Just another thing. When fighting all the Vampiric Mists in the entrance hall of the Windspear dungeon (where Ruhk the conjurer is), i noticed that the mists are still doing damage even when they are dead (2-3 hits) like the victim was poisoned for a short time. Was it always like this?

Yes, it's their special on-hit ability.

Posted by: lroumen Jun 23 2015, 03:41 PM

QUOTE(critto @ Jun 23 2015, 02:14 AM) *
I was also wondering about the new druid kit and/or magnitude of the content of the expanded druid stronghold. What I like is the druid only upgrade and minor change in items (treefolk arm it seems), but there is no incentive yet to craft those items

The kit is not new, but an existing one. I don't want to overpopulate the game with new kits, better modify existing ones, it's less problematic from the point of implementation. We're still experimenting. As for the content, there will be at least one pretty large quest for which a custom new area was made long time ago. The whole todo list for v7 is pretty large however, but I don't know yet which things will be done. As for items and upgrades, there are plenty. We've extended the item randomizer with some previously statically placed items (and will extend with more). In v6.2, we've worked on spears and scimitars to make them good weapon choices (not only for druids, btw). In v7, we'll definitely take a look at clubs.

Very interesting info there, thanks!
There are some nice clubs already, just treefolk was made druid/ranger only so less interesting in some runs now and out of scope for thieves (did not check uai). I guess these changes become more interesting in v7 when I will run a druid game.

Posted by: Azoth Jul 14 2015, 08:28 PM

Improved Invisibility gives +8 bonus to Saving Throws instead of +4. At least this is what the character record says.

Posted by: critto Jul 14 2015, 09:16 PM

Hmm. I don't see it in the spell structure. Do you use IH by any chance? It has a tendency to double such effects.

Posted by: Azoth Jul 14 2015, 09:31 PM

No IH used. Tested also with IH, always +8.

Posted by: critto Jul 15 2015, 04:13 AM

Curiously indeed, it does happen. I'll try to figure it out.

Posted by: Azoth Jul 15 2015, 08:05 AM

I will start soon "ToD for EE v4.0.0" in my game. Is there any interest in details of this mod like amount of XP, gold, items...?
Hopefully, i can beat the final encounter this time wink.gif

Posted by: bulian Jul 17 2015, 11:18 AM

I will start soon "ToD for EE v4.0.0" in my game. Is there any interest in details of this mod like amount of XP, gold, items...?
Hopefully, i can beat the final encounter this time wink.gif

I like this mod and would be. IIRC there was a "with IA version" and a "without IA version," so A couple questions I have -

a) how difficult is the astral shard guardian. He is she using lots of PFMWs etc

cool.gif what do you do with the book when you get back? I always keep it and kill the mage but wonder whether I am missing something

c) what the Ch 7 encounter is like

Posted by: Azoth Jul 17 2015, 11:54 AM

a) I do have the "IA" version installed and couldn't beat the final encounter in the tower with my lvl10 party (Necro, 2xRB, R/C multi, B9/M, Cernd). Had to use a save before entering the tower. But im by far no tactical expert.
Readme says: "Recommended average party level is between 10 - 13. Also you should have some stronger weapons equipped, Lilalcor +3 is a good example. I don't recommend to play it on lower levels, as there are some monsters that can't be hit without weapons of at least +2 enchantment..."

I will try again soon with my lvl13-14 party.

b )

QUOTE(Valiant @ Aug 2 2009, 12:45 PM) *
Quest about the book will be added in the future. Till now it´s just a cosmetic item, nothing more.

I think its still like this.

c) I dont know yet wink.gif

So i will make some notes during my playthrough of the mod.

Posted by: Azoth Jul 19 2015, 02:22 PM

hmm...i dont see Cromwell's dialogue option to forge a halberd +3, although i do have a halberd +2 (dont remember where i found it, but for sure not forged).
Any ideas whats going on? Do i need to find a specific halberd +2 (if yes, please a hint where to find it before spellhold)?

Posted by: SparrowJacek Jul 19 2015, 03:06 PM

There are 2 halberd+2 types, just like 2 +3 sword types, one of the swords can't be used for forging, so it's probably the same when it comes to halberds.

Posted by: Azoth Jul 19 2015, 05:13 PM

QUOTE(SparrowJacek @ Jul 19 2015, 03:06 PM) *
There are 2 halberd+2 types, just like 2 +3 sword types, one of the swords can't be used for forging, so it's probably the same when it comes to halberds.

Thanks. I will look out for another halberd +2... but kind of disappointing... dry.gif

Another strange thing happened:
I just did beat the sewer party and found a Remove Magic scroll. My PC Necro doesnt have this spell in her spellbook but cannot learn this one. When i erase Dispel Magic, she can learn it but not Dispel Magic afterwards. No issues with my B9/M, he can learn the Remove Magic right away and also has Dispel Magic in his spellbook. Strange...

Edit: Ok, i forgot about the max number of spells per lvl ph34r.gif Didnt know that the green highlighting (EE feature) needs an unknown spell and a free slot.

btw: Is there any use of the Diamond Necklaces or are they just good money?

Posted by: bulian Jul 19 2015, 06:11 PM

Diamond necklaces are good for cash. There is a +2 halberd for sale in the Adventurer's Mart that can be upgraded. There is also the Harmonium Halberd for sale which is quite nice in Ch 2/3.

You may have the named halberd from the Shade Lord, which is a component for the +5 halberd?

Posted by: Azoth Jul 19 2015, 07:01 PM

QUOTE(bulian @ Jul 19 2015, 06:11 PM) *
There is a +2 halberd for sale in the Adventurer's Mart that can be upgraded.

Yes, Suryris's Blade +2 is upgradeable to a halberd +3. Thanks bulian!

Posted by: Krell Jul 19 2015, 07:04 PM

QUOTE(Azoth @ Jul 19 2015, 08:13 PM) *
btw: Is there any use of the Diamond Necklaces or are they just good money?

Just good money. Nothing else.

Posted by: nicoper Jul 20 2015, 06:43 AM

QUOTE(bulian @ Jul 17 2015, 11:18 AM) *
c) what the Ch 7 encounter is like

low spoiler

encounter with high level mage and helpers

heavy spoiler


trigger entering house guarded by raksasas (South suldanesselar, 1 noble and 2 horrids)
very close quarter, party dispelled on arriving
A high level mage who, once critical heals and summons helpers, 6 skeleton grandlords and 1 or 2 (memory hazy) greater bone golems

Posted by: bulian Jul 22 2015, 01:13 AM

So it soudns like it is the same with the EE version of the ToD mod and the regular one, which is quite nice.

Posted by: Azoth Jul 22 2015, 02:50 PM

Are the changes in item names an IA6.1 or EE feature?
Halberd +2 -> Suryris's Blade +2
Short Sword +2 -> The Whistling Sword +2
Girdle of Bluntness -> Destroyer of the Hills
Boots of Stealth -> Worn Whispers

This is a bit confusing for the IA forges.

Posted by: critto Jul 23 2015, 06:21 AM

Yes, it's a feature of EE. They've added new icons, made these more poetic names show up by default and so on.

Posted by: lambada Jul 23 2015, 09:26 AM

QUOTE(Azoth @ Jul 14 2015, 08:28 PM) *
Improved Invisibility gives +8 bonus to Saving Throws instead of +4. At least this is what the character record says.

The +4 bonus is hardcoded in EE already.

Posted by: critto Jul 23 2015, 11:13 AM

Huh. This explains it. Is it a bug or a feature?

Posted by: Azoth Jul 23 2015, 11:57 AM

Maybe its that one here ?!?

SethDavis said:
@CamDawg - I actually don't know what corresponds to the opcode within the engine. There is a section called opcode, but it's some low level stuff that seems to control lua (?).

What I did was add the bonuses when invisibility is checked by the character sheet (making sure that invisibility_improved is also active) as well as added a check for invisibility_improved and the appropriate bonuses in the code that checks for a successful save.

Does that sound OK, or should I rework it somehow?

Posted by: Azoth Jul 31 2015, 10:17 AM

there might be some obsolete entries in the Document IV-Installation.txt for BG2EE:

  1. BG2EE
  2. Patch 1.3
  3. Update to Weidu 238
  4. EoU v33 only components which are listed in Document IV-Installation.txt
    1. Infinite Weapon, Potion and Ring/Amulet Stacking for SOA and TOB (Recommended)
    2. Shut Up "You Must Gather Your Party Before Venturing Forth (optional)
    3. True Grand Mastery (Recommended) Extra 1/2 attack is already
    4. Un-Nerfed THAC0 Table, Saving Throws, ... (Recommended)
    5. Multiple Strongholds (Recommended)
    6. Bonus Merchants (optional) Joluv and Deidre are already included
    7. No Drow Avatars On Party In Underdark (optional)
    8. Imoen ToB Dialogue Fix (Recommended)
    9. Romance: Bug Fixes (optional)
  5. IA 6.1

Posted by: critto Jul 31 2015, 02:13 PM

OK, I'll check it out and correct if needed, thanks. Can you give me a reference to the 1/2 attack in EE?

Posted by: Azoth Jul 31 2015, 02:31 PM

Fixed Forum Compiled List, Pt 1

Fixed Forum Compiled List, Pt 2:

You can find "True grandmastery" in Pt 2:

Posted by: Azoth May 19 2016, 02:44 PM

Hi critto,

thanx for releasing IAv6.2! Maybe i'll find some time to play...

Just tried to install on BG2EE v2.2 (I read the readme and I know that only v1.3 is supported, but...). Following error:

Copying & patching 2DA tables...

ERROR Installing [Improved Anvil], rolling back to previous state
Will uninstall 4884 files for [IMPROVEDANVIL/SETUP-IMPROVEDANVIL.TP2] component
Uninstalled 4884 files for [IMPROVEDANVIL/SETUP-IMPROVEDANVIL.TP2] component
ERROR: Failure("Failed to find enough lines to perform an INSERT_2DA_ROW")
Using Language [English]

Copied [weapprof.2da]to [override/weapprof.2da]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
ERROR: [statdesc.2da] -> [override/statdesc.2da] Patching Failed (COPY) (Failure("Failed to find enough lines to perform an INSERT_2DA_ROW"))
Stopping installation because of error.

My installation:
// Log of Currently Installed WeiDU Mods
// The top of the file is the 'oldest' mod
// ~TP2_File~ #language_number #component_number // [Subcomponent Name -> ]Component Name [ : Version]
~SETUP-EASE.TP2~ #0 #0 // Infinite Weapon, Potion and Ring/Amulet Stacking
~SETUP-EASE.TP2~ #0 #9 // Un-Nerfed THAC0 Table, Saving Throws, Grand-Mastery, and Arcane, Divine Spell Progression (Blucher)
~SETUP-EASE.TP2~ #0 #14 // Multiple Strongholds (Baldurdash)
~SETUP-DUNGEONBEGONE.TP2~ #0 #0 // Dungeon Be Gone V1.6
~TOD/SETUP-TOD.TP2~ #0 #0 // Tower Of Deception Mod (Requires Throne Of Bhaal)
~TOD/SETUP-TOD.TP2~ #0 #1 // Improved Astral Shard Guardian
~TOD/SETUP-TOD.TP2~ #0 #2 // Encounter with Ustrain

Hmm...does anyone know where to find BG2EE 1.3 on

Posted by: critto May 19 2016, 04:48 PM


Hmm...does anyone know where to find BG2EE 1.3 on

You can get in on Steam. It provides possibility to participate in beta releases, and 1.3 is available as "beta" option.

Adapting IAv6.2 for 2.x was too much work, and I wasn't satisfied with the current state of the release (it's too "beta" for my taste). I might try to push out a maintenance release that supports 2.x later on, but it'll take a while since I have already engaged into different kind of work (modernising the mod's structure).

Alternatively, you can grab a non-EE version from GOG and play IA on that version. It would miss some content from EE, but overall you'd have more stable experience (and with better pathfinding!)

Posted by: Azoth May 21 2016, 08:53 AM

It´s a pity that I bought BG2EE on and cannot play 1.3 anymore, but it's like it is sad.gif
Fortunately, I do have TOB and decided to play around a bit with IA 6.2.

Posted by: critto May 22 2016, 06:21 AM

Do not worry, there will be support for EE 2.x in the future so you'll get the chance to play it. Adding support, together with the druid stronghold, in the next order of business for IA development. More details about our plans we'll be posted soon (hopefully, today) in the progress report thread.

Posted by: lroumen Jul 4 2016, 04:37 PM

Sigh. And then steam updated my games while I told it not to and it borked the ia install. Almost finished a second run....
Is ui 2.3 supported by ia6.2 (sorry to have to ask).

Posted by: critto Jul 4 2016, 06:05 PM

> Sigh. And then steam updated my games while I told it not to and it borked the ia install. Almost finished a second run....
Don't worry. Just open up the game's options and use beta participation, it will allow you to install 1.3

Then install EoU, DbG (if you use it) and IAv6.2 in the same order of components again and resume with your saves (they shouldn't be corrupted since they are stored in a different folder).

Replying to your question, no, 6.2 does not support 2.x. We will add support in 7.0. It's already done, in fact, but not play-tested yet. And transfering save games between the game's versions is not doable anyway, they'll get all corrupted.

Posted by: lroumen Jul 5 2016, 06:42 AM

Problem is that from 1.3 to 2.3 they changed string references so it may be they changed more things. I'll give it a shot though.

And v7 is 'close', that's great news.

Posted by: critto Jul 6 2016, 01:52 PM

[quote]Problem is that from 1.3 to 2.3 they changed string references so it may be they changed more things. I'll give it a shot though.[quote]
There are other issues that the release is not adapted for. If you give me time until weekend, I can try and prep a patch for you that allows to install the mode on 2.3 if you wait until weekend (I'm too busy until then).

Posted by: lroumen Jul 6 2016, 06:47 PM

Take your time. I am in no hurry. I also have a SoD run I can put my time into. smile.gif

Posted by: Alva Oct 2 2016, 09:26 PM


I found a bug on the new spell acid shield on BG2EEv1.3 / IAv6.2. When both the attacker and the defender have acid shield up, it runs into a loop of acid damage until one of the character dies.
It happened to me when fighting the Beastmaster in the Copper Coronet. When my berserker druid attacked him with acid shield, the Beastmaster instantly died, leaving my char at 20 hp.
Looking at the combat logs, they hit each other with acid damage.
It seems that an acid reply from the shield can trigger an acid reply on another shield, which produces a loop of acid death.

Keep the good work, IA is a great mod.

Posted by: critto Oct 3 2016, 04:12 AM


Thanks, we'll investigate this. It was a known problem in the past and I implement it in the usual way that'd worked in ToB and successfully prevented the damage retaliation loopback bug. I guess it showed up again. We'll do some more tests and see what happens.

Posted by: Alva Oct 4 2016, 04:50 PM

New discoveries on BG2EEv1.3 / IAv6.2 :
* Melf's Minute Meteors set the attacks number of my sorcerer to 5 even after all the meteors have been fired. (happens 100% since I've noticed)
Reloading the game fixes it.
* After my party sleeps, the number of spells on the quick slots of my sorcerer randomly drop to 0. It is not serious, but after each sleep some of the spells on the quick slots need to be re-fetched.
* There is an exploit on non-aggressive mages (blue circle). Breach + a fast hit with Bala's Axe (and failed save) / Probably works with other miscast effects. The mage tries indefinitely to recast the dispelled protection spells (and he is failing to do so).
Until he actually succeed to recast them, he will be non-agressive and unkillable. One can use it to fight the friends of the mage without him. It is what happened to me on the Mencar fight (Promenade tavern), and the fight was
much easier. I do not think there is lots of situations where we can use it but at least on this fight it is usable.

Im re-playing IA from 0 on BG2EE (I never finished it actually), so i will continue to report strange things tongue.gif.

Posted by: critto Oct 4 2016, 05:05 PM

> * Melf's Minute Meteors set the attacks number of my sorcerer to 5 even after all the meteors have been fired. (happens 100% since I've noticed)
Well, this is a new one. I'll investigate that, thanks.

> * After my party sleeps, the number of spells on the quick slots of my sorcerer randomly drop to 0. It is not serious, but after each sleep some of the spells on the quick slots need to be re-fetched.
This, however isn't new. It's an engine bug, I've mentioned it in the readme. I am not sure if they fixed they in 2.x, probably did. Wait for the new release which will be compatible with 2.x smile.gif

> * There is an exploit on non-aggressive mages (blue circle). Breach + a fast hit with Bala's Axe (and failed save) / Probably works with other miscast effects. The mage tries indefinitely to recast the dispelled protection spells (and he is failing to do so).
I'll add that to the todo list but fixing exploits such as this one is no longer a priority for the mod. This is something that I'd call a questionable tactic, one that doesn't make sense if you are looking for a challenge. Unless there's a quick and reliable fix, I'll add to the "be your own policeman" section of the readme for the new players.

Posted by: Alva Oct 4 2016, 07:28 PM

Let me know if you confirm any bugs that I found on spells. I found others, it seems weird to have so much bugs.
Maybe something went wrong with my install, I have done several reinstall to have the right BG version with the right mods options.

* The haste spell does not add 1 attack if the character have x.5 attack number. Instead it add 0.5.
* - Edited, not a bug

Posted by: nicoper Oct 4 2016, 08:23 PM

QUOTE(critto @ Oct 4 2016, 05:05 PM) *
> * Melf's Minute Meteors set the attacks number of my sorcerer to 5 even after all the meteors have been fired. (happens 100% since I've noticed)
Well, this is a new one. I'll investigate that, thanks.

In EE 2.3, it does not appear to be the case (did some tests with mage and sorcerer, all is correct)

QUOTE(critto @ Oct 4 2016, 05:05 PM) *
> * After my party sleeps, the number of spells on the quick slots of my sorcerer randomly drop to 0. It is not serious, but after each sleep some of the spells on the quick slots need to be re-fetched.
This, however isn't new. It's an engine bug, I've mentioned it in the readme. I am not sure if they fixed they in 2.x, probably did. Wait for the new release which will be compatible with 2.x smile.gif

It is fixed in 2.3

Posted by: Silverstar Dec 16 2016, 04:41 PM

Melf's minute meteors has a known bug in ee 1.3
Infact, any weapon that sets attacks to more than one is buggy. Equip a single dart. Throw it. Your character will switch to his melee weapon and will have 3 attacks/round with it. No way to fix except a save/reload.
I have tried fixing MMM by omitting the 'while equipped' attack bonus and giving it with the spell with a fixed duration.
This bug also applies to energy blades too, your mage can have 9 attacks/round with his staff after depleting blades.
Fixed in 2.0 and up.

Posted by: Azoth Jul 5 2018, 05:18 PM

Playing IA6.3 on BG2EE2.5:
Minsc has 1xBerserk Rage and 2xBarbarian Rage. Is it supposed to be like that or did i mess up something on my side?


// Log of Currently Installed WeiDU Mods
// The top of the file is the 'oldest' mod
// ~TP2_File~ #language_number #component_number // [Subcomponent Name -> ] Component Name [ : Version]
~TOD/SETUP-TOD.TP2~ #0 #0 // Tower Of Deception Mod (Requires Throne Of Bhaal): v4.0.1
~TOD/SETUP-TOD.TP2~ #0 #1 // Improved Astral Shard Guardian: v4.0.1
~TOD/SETUP-TOD.TP2~ #0 #2 // Encounter with Ustrain: v4.0.1
~SKIPCHATEAUIRENICUS/SETUP-SKIPCHATEAUIRENICUS.TP2~ #0 #101 // Deal with skipped NPCs -> Vanilla NPCs only: 3.0
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #110 // Icon Improvements: v4
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #140 // Fix Boo's Squeak: v4
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #160 // Make Magic Shields Glow (plainab/grogerson): v4
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #170 // Unique Icons: v4
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #181 // Unique Containers -> Unique icons only: v4
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1080 // Add Bags of Holding: v4
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1101 // Do Not Reveal City Maps When Entering Area: v4
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1160 // Multiple Strongholds (Baldurdash) -> No Restrictions (Baldurdash): v4
~IMPROVEDANVIL/SETUP-IMPROVEDANVIL.TP2~ #0 #1 // NPCs will not complain about reputation and leave: v6.3
~IMPROVEDANVIL/SETUP-IMPROVEDANVIL.TP2~ #0 #2 // Identify all items: v6.3
~SETUP-THEFOUR.TP2~ #0 #0 // The Four
~PPE/SETUP-PPE.TP2~ #0 #0 // Portraits Portraits Everywhere (PPE) - core component: 1.01
~PPE/SETUP-PPE.TP2~ #0 #100 // Category Portraits (Recommended) -> Sequenced: 1.01
~PPE/SETUP-PPE.TP2~ #0 #10 // Isandir's CHARNAME Portraits: 1.01
~PPE/SETUP-PPE.TP2~ #0 #20 // Replace Low Quality TOB & SOA Portraits: 1.01
~PPE/SETUP-PPE.TP2~ #0 #25 // Edwin/Edwina: 1.01
~PPE/SETUP-PPE.TP2~ #0 #30 // Ust Natha Drow NPCs: 1.01
~PPE/SETUP-PPE.TP2~ #0 #35 // Vampire NPCs: 1.01
~LEUI-SOD/LEUI-SOD.TP2~ #0 #0 // lefreut's Enhanced UI (SoD skin) - Core component: 3.4
~LEUI-SOD/LEUI-SOD.TP2~ #0 #6 // lefreut's Enhanced UI (SoD skin) - Show Sidebar toggle button: 3.4
~LEUI-SOD/LEUI-SOD.TP2~ #0 #9 // lefreut's Enhanced UI (SoD skin) - Small right sidebar buttons: 3.4
~LEUI-SOD/LEUI-SOD.TP2~ #0 #10 // lefreut's Enhanced UI (SoD skin) - Quests in journal collapsed by default: 3.4
~EEUITWEAKS/EEUITWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1070 // Faydark's Abilities Auto-Roller/GrimLefourbe's BG2 UI: 2.9
~EEUITWEAKS/EEUITWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2000 // Transparent Sidebars: 2.9
// Recently Uninstalled: ~HIDDENGAMEPLAYOPTIONS/SETUP-HIDDENGAMEPLAYOPTIONS.TP2~ #0 #1 // Install Hidden Gameplay Options -> Selected options: 2.0
~HIDDENGAMEPLAYOPTIONS/SETUP-HIDDENGAMEPLAYOPTIONS.TP2~ #0 #1 // Install Hidden Gameplay Options -> Selected options: 2.0
~HIDDENGAMEPLAYOPTIONS/SETUP-HIDDENGAMEPLAYOPTIONS.TP2~ #0 #10 // Add in-game option "Enable Debug Mode": 2.0
~HIDDENGAMEPLAYOPTIONS/SETUP-HIDDENGAMEPLAYOPTIONS.TP2~ #0 #11 // Add in-game option "Enable UI Edit Mode": 2.0
~HIDDENGAMEPLAYOPTIONS/SETUP-HIDDENGAMEPLAYOPTIONS.TP2~ #0 #12 // Add in-game option "Show Strrefs": 2.0
~HIDDENGAMEPLAYOPTIONS/SETUP-HIDDENGAMEPLAYOPTIONS.TP2~ #0 #13 // Add in-game option "Hotkeys On Tooltips": 2.0
~HIDDENGAMEPLAYOPTIONS/SETUP-HIDDENGAMEPLAYOPTIONS.TP2~ #0 #14 // Add in-game option "Show trigger icons on tab": 2.0
~HIDDENGAMEPLAYOPTIONS/SETUP-HIDDENGAMEPLAYOPTIONS.TP2~ #0 #16 // Add in-game option "Limit druidic spells for Cleric/Ranger": 2.0
~HIDDENGAMEPLAYOPTIONS/SETUP-HIDDENGAMEPLAYOPTIONS.TP2~ #0 #17 // Add in-game option "3E Sneak Attack": 2.0
~HIDDENGAMEPLAYOPTIONS/SETUP-HIDDENGAMEPLAYOPTIONS.TP2~ #0 #18 // Add in-game option "Critical Hit Screen Shake": 2.0
~HIDDENGAMEPLAYOPTIONS/SETUP-HIDDENGAMEPLAYOPTIONS.TP2~ #0 #19 // Add in-game option "Show extra combat info": 2.0
~HIDDENGAMEPLAYOPTIONS/SETUP-HIDDENGAMEPLAYOPTIONS.TP2~ #0 #20 // Add in-game option "Show Game Date and Time on Pause": 2.0
~HIDDENGAMEPLAYOPTIONS/SETUP-HIDDENGAMEPLAYOPTIONS.TP2~ #0 #22 // Add in-game option "Reverse Mouse Wheel Zoom": 2.0
~HIDDENGAMEPLAYOPTIONS/SETUP-HIDDENGAMEPLAYOPTIONS.TP2~ #0 #23 // Add in-game option "Pause Game on Map Screen": 2.0
~HIDDENGAMEPLAYOPTIONS/SETUP-HIDDENGAMEPLAYOPTIONS.TP2~ #0 #25 // Add in-game option "Disable Movies": 2.0
~HIDDENGAMEPLAYOPTIONS/SETUP-HIDDENGAMEPLAYOPTIONS.TP2~ #0 #27 // Add in-game option "XP Bonus in Nightmare Mode": 2.0
~HIDDENGAMEPLAYOPTIONS/SETUP-HIDDENGAMEPLAYOPTIONS.TP2~ #0 #32 // Add in-game option "Show Area of Effect Range": 2.0

Posted by: Azoth Jul 6 2018, 06:22 AM

QUOTE(Azoth @ Jul 5 2018, 05:18 PM) *
Playing IA6.3 on BG2EE2.5:
Minsc has 1xBerserk Rage and 2xBarbarian Rage. Is it supposed to be like that or did i mess up something on my side?

Same behaviour with IA6.2 in vanilla BG2. So, i guess it should be like that.

Posted by: critto Jul 6 2018, 09:06 AM

I think this is supposed to be, on of his rages is lore-based, due to a head wound. I'll see if it can be amended, but I'd rather leave it in for flavour.

Posted by: Azoth Jul 6 2018, 08:12 PM

QUOTE(critto @ Jul 6 2018, 09:06 AM) *
I think this is supposed to be, on of his rages is lore-based, due to a head wound. I'll see if it can be amended, but I'd rather leave it in for flavour.

Good for me. It would be nice to see a desciption of the Berserker Rage somewhere or the difference between the two of them.

Another one:
The container at x=1030/y=2089 in Irenicus dungeon is weird. I think it gives loot based on profiencies of charname.
I found one dagger+2 with Necro (Dagger +, Quarterstaff +) and once two long swords +2 / Varscona (+1 cold damage) when using two pregenerated chars (Necro: Dagger +, Quarterstaff + / Swashbuckler Long Swords ++ / Short swords ++).

Posted by: critto Jul 8 2018, 05:17 AM

Yes, there is a weird chest that imports some item from BG1 based on the protagonist's class.

and once two long swords +2 / Varscona (+1 cold damage) when using two pregenerated chars

Who was the protagonist?

Posted by: Azoth Jul 8 2018, 07:26 PM

QUOTE(critto @ Jul 8 2018, 05:17 AM) *
Who was the protagonist?

Necro was protagonist and custom swashbuckler was second.

Did a quick test.
Fighter Halberd ++++, 2H ++ gives Halberd +2 as loot
Fighter Bastard Sword ++++, Single Hand ++ gives Varscona
Necro Dagger +, Quarterstaff + gives Dagger +2
Necro Quarterstaff +, Dart + gives Staffspear +2

Create Party:
1. Necro Dagger +,Quarterstaff +
2. Swashbuckler Long Sword ++, Short Sword ++
3. Fighter Long Sword +++++, Sword & Shield
-> 3x Varscona

1. Fighter Long Sword +++++, Sword & Shield
2. Swashbuckler Long Sword ++, Short Sword ++
3. Necro Dagger +,Quarterstaff +
-> 3x Varscona

Posted by: critto Jul 9 2018, 05:23 AM

Curious. We'll investigate that.

Posted by: Azoth Jul 27 2018, 09:03 PM

When i use the new spell Alicorn Lance, i get a strange feedback note. It says Tabitha's hide ?!?

Also, the area of effect seems to be huge. Shouldn’t it be a single creature target spell?

Posted by: critto Aug 5 2018, 04:43 PM

The text thing is probably issue of installing something like a patch mid-game. The area effect will check out.

Posted by: Azoth Aug 6 2018, 07:28 AM

Hi critto,
thanks for looking into it!

QUOTE(critto @ Aug 5 2018, 04:43 PM) *
The text thing is probably issue of installing something like a patch mid-game.

No i didnt do that. But i will check tonight in a new game.

QUOTE(critto @ Aug 5 2018, 04:43 PM) *
The area effect will check out.

Im using the new (patch 2.5) feature: Show Area of Effect Range. There it can be easily seen. Will post a screenshot later.

Posted by: Azoth Aug 6 2018, 08:00 PM

QUOTE(Azoth @ Aug 6 2018, 07:28 AM) *
Hi critto,
thanks for looking into it!

QUOTE(critto @ Aug 5 2018, 04:43 PM) *
The text thing is probably issue of installing something like a patch mid-game.

No i didnt do that. But i will check tonight in a new game.

Started a new game. Still the same 'Tabitha's hide' feedback.

QUOTE(Azoth @ Aug 6 2018, 07:28 AM) *
QUOTE(critto @ Aug 5 2018, 04:43 PM) *
The area effect will check out.

Im using the new (patch 2.5) feature: Show Area of Effect Range. There it can be easily seen. Will post a screenshot later.

Here you can see the AoE:

Posted by: critto Aug 7 2018, 12:01 PM

How many are affected by the spell? Everyone who's in the AoE?

Posted by: Azoth Aug 7 2018, 12:05 PM

Yes, i think so. But never tested the full AoE.

As you can see in my screenshots more than one NPC is affected by the spell.

Posted by: Azoth Aug 7 2018, 06:36 PM

QUOTE(critto @ Aug 7 2018, 12:01 PM) *
How many are affected by the spell? Everyone who's in the AoE?

Tested. Everyone in the indicated AoE is affected by damage and by the -2 AC effect.

Posted by: Ralmevic Aug 9 2018, 11:00 PM

So, I beat the Shade Lord, and guess who shows up to congratulate me. Kirinaldo and Raelis Shai. Specifically 3 Kirinaldos and 2 Raelis Shai. They are also missing from the planar prison. This doesn't happen when I kill Shade Lord without having given the gem to Haer'Dalis. I spawned Raelis back in the planar sphere and finished a test run. Also, unrelated to the first one, Raelis doesn't let the party go back to the material plane-because Haer'Dalis' dialogues has a bug and doesn't answer her, allowing her to give her xp reward multiple times. If he is killed, the teleport works. That last one seems to be addressed in the 2.5 update, which i dont have.

I don't think that any of this has anything to do with IA, seems more like a bug of the game itself, but I thought I should mention it anyhow.


Posted by: critto Aug 16 2018, 08:49 AM

Yes, this is something strange and unrelated. I can't really see how IA affects it. Perhaps submit a bug report to Beamdog?

Posted by: Azoth Sep 5 2018, 12:05 PM

Any news about the spell 'Alicorn Lance'? Did i mess something up or is it a bug in IA 6.3 + BG2EE 2.5?

Another one:
Shouldn't 'Remove Magic' always remove Mirror Image (except: creature is under SI: Abjuration)?
Tested with the Guardians of the six pieces of the burial mask in the Domain of the Dragon (Windspear Hills). I couldn't dispel their MIs with Remove Magic.

What is IA's philosophy regarding items with spells (Haste, Armor of Faith, MI,..)?
Should the item really cast the spell? That means Cowled Wizards are alarmed and Autopause: 'Spell cast' is firing.

Posted by: Azoth Sep 16 2018, 08:58 AM

A minor inconsistency (BG2EE 2.5 + IA 6.3):
Description of Mace of Disruption +1 (BLUN12.ITM):


Combat abilities:
�“ Undead must save vs. Death at -4 or be utterly destroyed

THAC0: +1 (strikes as a +3 weapon)

(strikes as a +3 weapon)

IA Readme Fixes & Tweaks:
149. Both versions of Mace of Disruption are fixed. Their undead destroying effects are fixed not to require the undead to roll saving throw "twice". Their enchantments are fixed to match their descriptions and the improved mace's icon is changed. Moreover, the improved mace's permanent immunity to level drain is omitted. The weapon is too easily available in the game to have such powerful abilities.

Their enchantments are fixed to match their descriptions

Im a bit confused (using NI) how the 2D6+x damage against undead was set.
Mace of Disruption +1 (BLUN12.ITM) -> CDDISR.EFF -> 'Amount' = 2, #dice thrown =1 / What about the +4?
Mace of Disruption +2 (BLUN25.ITM) -> MACEDISU.EFF -> 'Amount' = 1, #dice thrown =1 / What about the +5?

Makes more sense for me now:
Mace of Disruption +1: normal: 1d6+2 + undead: 1d6+2(Amount) -> 2d6+4
Mace of Disruption +2: normal: 1d6+3 + undead: 1d6+1(Amount) -> 2d6+4 -> Is a +1 missing?

Posted by: New_Vuki Oct 24 2018, 06:01 PM

Hi All,

Vuki is back to town. cool.gif I would like to try V6.3 and really interested in the Bioware NPCs (as it was not really an option used to (except Valygar + Cernd). My party is:

Fix members:
- Necro protagonist
- Cernd (not yet picked)
- Rasaad (not yet picked)
- Minsc
- Valygar (not yet picked)

Optional members:
- Mazzy
- Jaheira (already picked)
- custom Riskbreaker (currently party member)

I wanted to have a thief in my party to get rid of traps and open chests but I do not want to have a single class thief and I also do not want to have a second mage (that takes out Nalia). I read in the forum that Cernd and Jaheira can really work together but are two druids not too much? Can my party work if I pick Mazzy? The riskbreaker is also an option if my party would be too weak without him (I mean too less damage output).

One comment about the readme. It is really nice, I like the new format. I missed only one thing: I spent around one hour figuring out how to install the EoU mod. I think it would be nice to mention there to download Weidu and rename the file (as it mentioned here in the forum somewhere).

Posted by: New_Vuki Oct 27 2018, 12:12 PM

I have noticed 2 interesting things. One of them is definitely a bug, the other is maybe a behaviour of EE.
- Trolls do not lay down when they are immune to damage (when near death).
- When Cernd and Jaheira casted Alicorn lance then in the text box the description of Minor Disruption appear several times. Also, my characters receive damage from Cernd.

I have just installed what was described in the readme (BG2:EE, recommended EoU, IA 6.3). I have Windows 10.

Posted by: critto Nov 10 2018, 09:12 AM

Any news about the spell 'Alicorn Lance'? Did i mess something up or is it a bug in IA 6.3 + BG2EE 2.5?
I haven't looked into anything IA related for a long time. My guess would be there is a bug with the projectile used for the spell.

Shouldn't 'Remove Magic' always remove Mirror Image (except: creature is under SI: Abjuration)?

IIRC this was how non-EE BG2 behaved and they fixed it in EE. I think there is a note about it somewhere in the readme.

A minor inconsistency (BG2EE 2.5 + IA 6.3):
What's the inconsistency? If I am not mistaken I did fix all +X, +Y against something weapons to work as intended since the EE engine has a proper opcode for that now. Not sure if this was released though or still in the internal build somewhere.

I wanted to have a thief in my party to get rid of traps and open chests but I do not want to have a single class thief and I also do not want to have a second mage (that takes out Nalia). I read in the forum that Cernd and Jaheira can really work together but are two druids not too much? Can my party work if I pick Mazzy? The riskbreaker is also an option if my party would be too weak without him (I mean too less damage output).

All those NPCs should work OK. People used to take a swashbuckler and drop him somewhere along the way. I think I've implemented a level1npcs-esque patch that aligns joined NPCs' XP with that of the protagonist more precisely (if you're worried about XP gaps). But once again, I don't remember if this feature has made into the public version already.

One comment about the readme. It is really nice, I like the new format. I missed only one thing: I spent around one hour figuring out how to install the EoU mod. I think it would be nice to mention there to download Weidu and rename the file (as it mentioned here in the forum somewhere).
I'm pretty sure that I've made EoU obsolete, no? Or am I thinking about the internal build once again... Anyhow, you just copy and rename the weidu executable.

- Trolls do not lay down when they are immune to damage (when near death).

That's a EE feature, I think.

- When Cernd and Jaheira casted Alicorn lance then in the text box the description of Minor Disruption appear several times. Also, my characters receive damage from Cernd.

the AoE damage is probably the same bug as mentioned by Azoth above. As for the text, these things are usually a sign of having the mod installation order changed mid-game. When you do that, weidu rebuilds the dialogue file and it is indexed plainly by numbers, roughly speaking. However, your save game already has reference numbers to certain things like spell descriptions that do not possess that number anymore. Hence the issue with the wrong labels.

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